Fall of 2012 is where it all began, new adventures, new people and new experiences. I experienced many achievements as well as failures, but never did I give up. As my first year of college proceeded, I learned to organize myself. Organization was a struggle for me, not only was I procrastinating but I also getting sick and going to the ER was taking time away from getting my stuff done. I was a struggle but the skill of organization took place and helped me contact my professors and get back on track in order to achieve my goals.
Something I learned about myself was that I did not know I had the potential to cope with a transition like this. That makes me believe that I can and am capable of overcoming anything if I set my mind to it, such as helping my community. In my community I learned that we need to care more about others. I have volunteered at a Senior Retirement home and that they are very lonely people. Their family members do not visit them often or at all. Something that I noticed was that the elderly did enjoy our visits and very much appreciate it. Everyone deserves to feel cared for and loved and what better way than to offer your care and love to others.
This first year has been great and I am so grateful to have been involved with my community and to just be making great memories that will be told throughout my adulthood. There is nothing better than a good feeling of achieving and giving to others, I believe we need to gain in order to give and that is what this year consisted of. And now I am looking forward to an amazing second year at Holy Names University.