When people say time flies, they really mean it. It felt only like yesterday I’ve began the main course of my life, college, and already it’s finals week; filled with endless cramming and sleepless nights. It’s honestly been an adventure these past few months: meeting new people, settling in with the roomies, and getting accustomed to the new environment. Having home being a eight hour drive away, I can’t say I’ve only been a little homesick. I miss my parents, my brother, my loving grandparents, and my wonderful friends who I’ve left behind in my pursuit of higher education. Not to say I regret it; the time spent here, learning, becoming independent, and meeting a wide variety of people with such colorful personalities makes up for what I’m missing. Advice to those like me, with loved ones far from you, in a new environment: Life is to gain new experiences. College life is what you make of it. Go out and make new friends, study hard, and most importantly; grow. I know my loved ones back home are waiting and rooting for me to succeed, and I don’t plan to let them down. By being here in UC San Diego, I’m trying to make a difference in the world and you should too, wherever you are.