Reflecting back on my first quarter, I can say that it was a little bit of everything. From living about eight hours away from home to being independent and trying to separate my personal and academic life. The first week of school was good for me. I liked my schedule, which I only had classes three times a week, and it gave me an abundance of free time. Having plenty of free time is both good and bad at times. with that free time, I would hang out with friends or just be on my computer which was bad because I could have been productive with it. I have now learned that going into this second quarter I need prioritize my studies. During the second month of school I would meet up with a volleyball team and would attend their practices and would play with them. I really enjoyed doing this because it was a nice distraction from stress that was building up because of midterms and all the workload. I also met some wonderful people because of that and I think it helped me get through the first quarter. Going into finals week last quarter was very difficult. I had a lot of catching up to due to the fact that I wouldn’t study enough before. I had to apply myself and attend office hours in order to have a quick refresher of the material. I now have to really be on top of my responsibilities since I am practically on my own. Going in to this second quarter, I am finally taking classes that will help me declare my major and I am excited to be able to learn about it. I now need to adapt more study habits and have a plan that will help me succeed.